Source code for virtualargofleet.velocity_helpers

Velocity Field Helper

from parcels import FieldSet, ParticleSet, Field
import xarray as xr
import glob
from abc import ABC
import logging
from .app_parcels import ArgoParticle

log = logging.getLogger("virtualfleet.velocity")

[docs]class VelocityField(ABC): """Class prototype to manage a Virtual Fleet velocity field This prototype provides useful methods to prepare a :class:`parcels.fieldset.FieldSet` for a VirtualFleet simulation. A :class:`VelocityField` instance can be passed directly to a :class:`VirtualFleet` instance. You can use the :meth:`Velocity` function to instantiate such a class for known products. """ name = "?" """shortname ID for this velocity field""" field = None """Internal definition of the velocity fields; it can be a :class:`xarray.Dataset` or a dictionary with ``U`` and ``V`` as keys and list of corresponding files as values""" fieldset = None """Instance of :class:`parcels.fieldset.FieldSet` created using the ``field`` attribute""" var = None """Variable dictionary mapping of ``U`` and ``V`` on netcdf velocity variable names""" dim = None """Dimensions dictionary mapping of ``time``, ``depth``, ``lat`` and ``lon`` on netcdf velocity variable names""" isglobal = None """Boolean indicating weather the velocity field is global or not, used to add ``halo_*`` constants on the ``fieldset`` attribute""" def __repr__(self): summary = ["<VelocityField.%s>" %] return "\n".join(summary)
[docs] def plot(self): """Quick plot of the ParticleSet""" temp_pset = ParticleSet(fieldset=self.fieldset, pclass=ArgoParticle, lon=0, lat=0, depth=0), with_particles=False)
# = self.fieldset.V,with_particles = False)
[docs] def add_mask(self): """Create mask for grounding management Requires: - ``self.field`` with ``U`` and ``V`` keys - ``self.dim`` with ``lon``, ``lat``, ``depth`` and ``time`` keys - ``self.var`` with ``U`` and ``V`` keys """ if self.fieldset: if isinstance(self.field, xr.core.dataset.Dataset): ds = self.field[{self.dim['time']: 0}] ds = ds[[self.var['U'], self.var['V']]].squeeze() else: mask_file = glob.glob(self.field['U'])[0] # log.debug('mask_file: %s' % mask_file) ds = xr.open_dataset(mask_file) ds = ds[{self.dim['time']: 0}] ds = ds[[self.var['U'], self.var['V']]].squeeze() mask = ~(ds.where((~ds[self.var['U']].isnull()) | (~ds[self.var['V']].isnull()))[ self.var['U']].isnull()).transpose(self.dim['lon'], self.dim['lat'], self.dim['depth']) mask = mask.values # create a new parcels field that's going to be interpolated during simulation self.fieldset.add_field(Field('mask', data=mask, lon=ds[self.dim['lon']].values, lat=ds[self.dim['lat']].values, depth=ds[self.dim['depth']].values, transpose=True, mesh='spherical', interp_method='nearest')) else: raise ValueError("Can't create mask because `fieldset` is not defined")
[docs] def set_global(self): """Ensure a global fieldset""" if self.isglobal: self.fieldset.add_constant( 'halo_west', self.fieldset.U.grid.lon[0]) self.fieldset.add_constant( 'halo_east', self.fieldset.U.grid.lon[-1]) self.fieldset.add_constant( 'halo_south',[0]) self.fieldset.add_constant( 'halo_north',[-1]) self.fieldset.add_periodic_halo(zonal=True, meridional=True)
class VelocityField_CUSTOM(VelocityField): name = "CUSTOM" def __init__(self, src, variables: dict, dimensions: dict, isglobal: bool = False, **kwargs): """Create a custom VelocityField for known products""" if 'U' not in variables: raise ValueError("'variables' dictionary must have a 'U' key") if 'V' not in variables: raise ValueError("'variables' dictionary must have a 'V' key") if isinstance(src, xr.core.dataset.Dataset): # If the source data is a Xarray dataset, we ensure to have all the required variables and coordinates: for v in variables: if variables[v] not in src.data_vars: raise ValueError("'src' xarray DataSet must have a '%s' variable for %s" % (variables[v], v)) for dim in dimensions: if dimensions[dim] not in src.coords: raise ValueError("'src' xarray DataSet must have a '%s' coordinate for %s" % (dimensions[dim], dim)) elif isinstance(src, dict): if 'U' not in src: raise ValueError("'src' as a dictionary must have a 'U' key") if 'V' not in src: raise ValueError("'src' as a dictionary must have a 'V' key") else: raise ValueError("'src' must be a dictionary or a xarray Dataset") if 'name' in kwargs: = kwargs['name'] self.var = variables # Dictionary mapping 'U' and 'V' to netcdf velocity variable names self.dim = dimensions # Dictionary mapping 'time', 'depth', 'lat' and 'lon' to netcdf velocity variable names self.isglobal = isglobal # Define parcels fieldset if not isinstance(src, xr.core.dataset.Dataset): self.field = src # Dictionary with 'U' and 'V' as keys and list of corresponding files as values self.fieldset = FieldSet.from_netcdf( src, self.var, self.dim, allow_time_extrapolation=True, time_periodic=False, deferred_load=True) else: self.field = src # Xarray dataset self.fieldset = FieldSet.from_xarray_dataset( src, self.var, self.dim, allow_time_extrapolation=True, time_periodic=False) # Possibly handle a global field: self.set_global() # Create mask to manage grounding: self.add_mask()
[docs]def VelocityFieldFacade(model: str = 'GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024', *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> object: """Function to return a :class:`VelocityField` instance for known products Note that you can provide a :class:`VelocityField` or :attr:`VelocityField.fieldset` to a :class:`VirtualFleet` instance. Parameters ---------- model: str Indicate which model to use by its string definition. Possible values are: - ``custom`` if you want to set your own model definition - ``GLORYS12V1``, ``PSY4QV3R1``, ``GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024`` - ``MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013`` - ``ARMOR3D``, ``MULTIOBS_GLO_PHY_TSUV_3D_MYNRT_015_012`` Returns ------- :class:`VelocityField` Examples -------- Import the module and define the root folder to data: >>> from virtualargofleet import Velocity >>> root = "/home/datawork-lops-oh/somovar/WP1/data/GLOBAL-ANALYSIS-FORECAST-PHY-001-024" And then define a velocity field with one of the following 3 methods: 1/ with a ``custom`` product: >>> filenames = {'U': root + "/20201210*.nc", >>> 'V': root + "/20201210*.nc"} >>> variables = {'U':'uo','V':'vo'} >>> dimensions = {'time': 'time', 'depth':'depth', 'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'} >>> VELfield = Velocity(model='custom', src=filenames, variables=variables, dimensions=dimensions) 2/ with a :class:`xarray.Dataset`: >>> ds = xr.open_mfdataset(glob.glob("%s/20201210*.nc" % root)) >>> VELfield = Velocity(model='GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024', src=ds) 3/ with a file path pattern: >>> VELfield = Velocity(model='GLORYS12V1', src="%s/20201210*.nc" % root) """ if model in ['PSY4QV3R1', 'GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024', 'GLORYS12V1']: V = VelocityField_PSY4QV3R1(**kwargs) = 'GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024' if model == 'GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024' else = 'PSY4QV3R1' if model == 'PSY4QV3R1' else = 'GLORYS12V1' if model == 'GLORYS12V1' else return V elif model in ['MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013']: V = VelocityField_MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013(**kwargs) return V elif model in ['MULTIOBS_GLO_PHY_TSUV_3D_MYNRT_015_012', 'ARMOR3D']: V = VelocityField_ARMOR3D(**kwargs) = 'ARMOR3D.MULTIOBS_GLO_PHY_TSUV_3D_MYNRT_015_012' if "MULTIOBS" in model else return V elif model.lower() in ['custom']: return VelocityField_CUSTOM(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown model')
def VelocityField_PSY4QV3R1(**kwargs): """Velocity Field Helper for CMEMS/GLOBAL-ANALYSIS-FORECAST-PHY-001-024 product. Reference --------- """ if 'src' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You must provide a 'src' dictionary or xarray dataset.") elif isinstance(kwargs['src'], xr.core.dataset.Dataset): src = kwargs['src'] else: src = {'U': kwargs['src'], 'V': kwargs['src']} variables = {'U': 'uo', 'V': 'vo'} dimensions = {'time': 'time', 'depth': 'depth', 'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'} isglobal = kwargs['isglobal'] if 'isglobal' in kwargs else False V = VelocityField_CUSTOM(src=src, variables=variables, dimensions=dimensions, isglobal=isglobal) = 'PSY4QV3R1' return V def VelocityField_MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013(**kwargs): """Velocity Field Helper for CMEMS/MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013 product. Reference --------- """ if 'src' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You must provide a 'src' dictionary or xarray dataset.") elif isinstance(kwargs['src'], xr.core.dataset.Dataset): src = kwargs['src'] else: src = {'U': kwargs['src'], 'V': kwargs['src']} variables = {'U': 'uo', 'V': 'vo'} dimensions = {'time': 'time', 'depth': 'depth', 'lat': 'lat', 'lon': 'lon'} V = VelocityField_CUSTOM(src=src, variables=variables, dimensions=dimensions, isglobal=False) = 'MEDSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_006_013' return V def VelocityField_ARMOR3D(**kwargs): """Velocity Field Helper for CMEMS/ARMOR3D product. Reference --------- """ if 'src' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("You must provide a 'src' dictionary or xarray dataset.") elif isinstance(kwargs['src'], xr.core.dataset.Dataset): src = kwargs['src'] else: src = {'U': kwargs['src'], 'V': kwargs['src']} variables = {'U': 'ugo', 'V': 'vgo'} dimensions = {'time': 'time', 'depth': 'depth', 'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'} isglobal = kwargs['isglobal'] if 'isglobal' in kwargs else False V = VelocityField_CUSTOM(src=src, variables=variables, dimensions=dimensions, isglobal=isglobal) = 'ARMOR3D' return V